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Harry Burry


For my illustration project I investigated gender myths within society. I have also studied and incorporated the mono-myth structure, proposed by Joseph Campbell in his widely spread book, ‘Hero with a Thousand Faces’, to present an alternative gender dynamic within the archetypes of the hero’s journey.


The mono-myth is a narrative structure identified by Campbell throughout human societies. It appears in all forms of storytelling, religious rituals, myth and dramas. It could be argued that the mono-myth structure forms part of the narratives within our own psyche.

I have displayed A Heroes’ Journey in Rational Cabinet: Heroes & Daemons. I designed the cabinet to appear like an alter piece but also reflects therapeutic practices of analytical psychology. During research of Jungian psychoanalytical theory (which Campbell cites as a major source to his mono-myth theory), I discovered the analytical practice of Sand-play therapy. Sand-play therapy involves cabinets of figures and objects being manipulated in a sandbox by a patient to present various narratives from their psyche. The resulting displays are discussed during their therapy. With this project I have tried to create a space for this type of mindful reflection.


The illustrations on the cabinet have been made to look like theatre sets, to highlight the constructed nature of the narrative. This gives the piece an editable quality. Characters and scenes can be added and deleted. Displaying my illustrated mono-myth A Heroes’ Journey in this manner, I hope to engender the audience with the feeling of flux within the societal myths. If we are mindful of the myths within society we can change them and in doing so change the myths that inform our own psyche.



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